Now THATS beardie!

So here is my update. There are 101 days until CCC.
Before we go into all the steps, I want to explain my paint scheme. Because my Dwarfs are from Barak Varr, the Dwarf Seaport, I want my “main” color to be blue. This will be the color the goes from unit to unit to tie all of the models into an army. For most models, their sleeves will be in blue, as well as any cloaks. Each different type of unit (fighters, ranged, Engineers, Ruinsmiths) will have their own accent color (red, green, yellow, and perhaps white respectively). Now for all of these colors, what I will be doing is laying down a base coat of Foundation Paint, then I will go over that with different shades of the primary color. I want the units and the army tied together with a cohesive color scheme, but I don’t want them all to be cookie-cutter and have the exact same shades of blues, reds, etc. I doubt anyone other than me will notice it, but what the hell. FYI, I may be asking to borrow some shades I am missing in the future.
Yesterday, first thing, I made sure all my Warriors, Longbeards and Hammerers that I have on hand were primed.
After that was done, I started doing a bit of assembly-line painting. I painted all the chainmail, and some accent colors.
I first started by putting Mordian blue on all the places I want to be blue. Then I put Mechrite Red on my Warrior, Longbeard and Hammerers units, and did a bit of work on my BSB, Engineer and Runesmith.

Hammerers unit with the chainmail, and red and blue accents.

BSB, Engineer and Runesmith.

Then I painted up 20 bases. For the bases I put down a base coat of Codex Grey, and then drybrushed Dhneb Stone.

40 painted bases.
In non-painting news, I assembled and pinned my Gyrocopter.
Today I was "sick" so I was home and did a bit of painting, but not too much. One of the things I did before any painting was to make the first rank of my Longbeards look different than my regular warriors. My original plan was to buy a box of the Longbeards Command, but I couldn't justify spending $25 on 5 dudes, when I need to spend so much to get the rest of the army put together. So what I did instead is something suggest in the Dwarf Army Book. The Dwarf Warrior sprews have face masks, so I have put a mask on the first rank of the unit that will be my Longbeards. That way they are visibly different from the warriors, but I can stick them in a different rank if I want them to be regular warriors in the future.
After that was done, I went to work on the beards for the Longbeards. These guys got a base-coat of Codex Grey, I did a first highlight of Astronomican Grey, and then a final highlight of Skull white. I think they came out pretty well.

First rank of Longbeards
Then I slapped some Dwarf Flesh on the tiny bits of skin on each of the Longbeards that didn't have masks.

Second Rank of Longbeards, no masks!
While all of this was going on, I primed my Thunderers and Quarrelers and the Gyrocopter. At this point in time, everything I currently have on had for the army is primed.
Lastly, I painted up 20 more bases.
For tomorrow, I'm going to shoot for chainmail on the Thunderers and Quarrelers, and accent colors.
For the rest of my dudes, I am going to paint their beards in a variety of colors, so lastly, for tomorrow, I'm going tryto paint all of the dudes for one color of beards (I'm thinking dark brown).

1 Response to "Now THATS beardie!"

  1. Cool I can't wait to see these guys in action..

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