Commisar Lord vs Primus Psyker
Labels: 40k , Army Building , Discussion , Imperial Guard , 3 comments
So I've been looking at my Guard again and have started working on models. I still like my Mech guard and have been looking at ways to make them more viable. One thing about Mechanized guard is that your HQ choice really needs to be cheap.
The only reason to take a Company Command unit is put a cheap Colonel in there with either 4 meltas or plasmas. The Order system is a waste on Mech lists.
The Commissar Lord seemed the only real choice. The problem I had with my first list was that I stuck him in with an Ogrynn unit (which is insanely expensive and still dies very easily). I thought that it would be better to put him in with a Veteran unit (saves alot of points and gives me one very Stubborn unit)
Then I got to looking at my 3rd choice, the Primus Psyker. 70pts (no upgrades allowed), laspistol/Force weapon, WS4, Ld9, and has an Invunerable save. His primary shooting attack is called Arc Lightning (range 24, St4, 2d6 hits). I could put him in a unit of Plasma Vets and he could shoot out of the top of the Chimera with his unit. In using him, the fluff behind him is that he is an Inquisator leading his own little army to root out alien and heretic scum.
Or as Pidge suggested, I need a Slaan.......
Since you're doing mech anyway, wasn't there a HQ choice that was a tank or something? Or did I just imagine that..
I've never actually looked at the new IG codex so maybe I'm thinking of the SMurf guy
No. There is only a Tank "Upgrade" guy (Pask) who gives the tank he is in a higher BS and adds +1 on the vehicle damage chart. I think he's 50pts and gets killed when his tank blows up. The only real tank to put him is a Vanquisher.
The SMurf guy isn't an HQ choice either, but he's alot cooler than Pask.
I dunno about the psyker. Lets say you are playing me, every time you get the spell off, I've got a 50% chance to say "nope, you don't get to use it" when I have a Rune Priest.
So on average you'd get 7 S4 AP? hits at 24 inches. If you shoot it at a Tac Squad, you'll wound 4 (rounding up) and I'll save 3 of those (rounding up).
The commisar, on the other hand will beef up your leadership right? But who does that count towards? Just the unit he is in, or the whole army?
I'm sure you know what my answer is... Try them both out and see what happens.