Beards, beards and more beards!

Well two weeks in a row, I've completed my self-imposed goal. The funny thing about these goals is that I set them for myself for an entire week, but I usually just do 95% of it on the weekend. I should set the goal on Friday and look like a total bad-ass and have it done by Sunday...

Anywho, I have decided that my dorfs will have the following beard tones, black, light brown, dark brown, blonde, grey, red and white. I decided that there would be more black, and browns than the rest of the colors, so I divided up 2 blacks, 2 light browns, 2 dark browns and then one of all the rest of the colors except white (the Longbeards were the only ones that got white beards) repeat for all the minis I had to paint. I tried to be fairly random about who went in each group.

One day this week I came home and painted the Light Brown beards. I painted on Bleached Bone, and then did a wash of Bronzed Flesh. I really like the way it looks.

Saturday I painted up the cannon and bolt thrower. The fletching on the Bolt Thrower needs a second coat, but thats no biggie.

Today I got to work on the rest of the beards. I powered through the black beards, using the prime as a base coat, and then light dry-brushing on Codex Grey. The Dark Browns were pretty easy with a base coat of Scorched Brown and a dry-brushing of Bestial Brown. Grey was pretty simple as well with a heavy-dry brush of Codex Grey and then another light-dry brush of Skull White. I did red with a 50/50 mix of Scorched Brown and Fiery Orange, then a dry-brush of Fiery Orange and then a light dry-brush of Bleached Bone. Lastly, for White, I did an undercoat of Codex grey then a heavy dry-brush of Skull White.

All in all they don't look too bad. Most of the colors did not come out exactly the way I was expecting, (the white looks a bit grey, some of the reds look a bit brown, etc etc etc) but they all look distinct which is what I was looking for.

Now I'm not fooling myself, I know that most people wont even notice that I've gone to all this trouble to have the different color beards in my army, but I'll know, and I like it.

As for Army Assembly news, I have purchase my 2nd Bolt Thrower, and its in the mail. Should get it here some time this week. So If you are keeping track, I still need my General, one Engineer, and 6 Hammerers.

I was planning on making a BSB using one of the dudes in the Warrior box, but it just doesn't look right. My BSB is supposed to have Gromril armor, and the Warrior from the box clearly doesn't. So I am considering ordering the Dwarf Army Battle Standard from GW.

As for next week, I am going to try to tackle doing my 10 Thunderers . I am doing 10 because I already have the chainmail, and the blue and green "base colors" as well as the beards done for all of these guys. I figure finishing up the rest will count as my 5 minis for this week.

I will also assemble and prime the Bolt Thrower if I can.

p.s. oh! pics tomorrow!

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