Wolf Hoard!

Inspired by Jwolf's post...

HQ 110
Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Saga of the Hunter, Wolf Fang Necklace, Wolf Claw x 2

Elite 235
Wolf Guard Pack x 10: Power Fist, Rhino

Elite 235
Wolf Guard Pack x 10: Power Fist, Rhino

Elite 195
Wolf Scout Pack x 10: Meltagun

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Model Count 95

Total Points 2000

This is totally a mess around list.

In this one, I'd attach the Battle Leader and stick him with the Scouts. WS5, A3 (5 hit on 3+ reroll to wound PW attacks on the charge), W2 with 10 ablative wounds coming in the backfield is gunna scare the poop outta someone.

Plus seeing 40 dudes with 3 attacks on the charge, and 20 more dudes with 4 attacks on the charge is gunna make someone wet themselves.

Oh yeah, and 15 missile launchers that can split fire every turn.

I don't think I'd play this one for anything other than a laugh.

What do you think?

7 Response to "Wolf Hoard!"

  1. Butt Head says:

    You need to quit reading Jwolf's posts.... I don't know how you could counter that, especially with guard. That's just a nasty list...

    You'd have to get lucky with killing the transports early, then pie-plating the troops as they slog it across. If the Scouts decide to not come in until turn 4-5, it could be ugly for them.

    I just think it would be nifty to see 60 dudes with 3+ saves running, screaming at you and geting 3-4 attacks on the charge.

    Like I said, I see this as a "try once or twice" list.

    Ahhh...finally the kind of list my plasma heavy suits would enjoy playing. No that I would win, but plasma is all good vs marines.

    If you can pop the transports early, I think you'd have a excellent chance of splatting a hoard of marines with plasma.

    Jwolf says:

    Looks like fun to me.

    Jwolf says:

    Consider getting some Mark of the Wulfen in there, as it's scary good.

    Yeah, I originally had MoW of just about everyone that could take it, but this was more of a "how many dudes can I put on the field" list.

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