Some may call this beardy...

I really don't care...

5 Response to "Some may call this beardy..."

  1. Butt Head says:

    Wheres the Ale wagon!? Isn't that mandatory?

    Looking very cool, Pidge. You know, that the Dwarves are probably going to have the easiest time against Calvin's super heavy magical HE armies...

    You realize of course this means I have to now hate you..

    Skaven and Stunties aren't too friendly..

    Jwolf says:

    Hatred is pretty much required between any WFB races, it seems. It's like they set-up a whole world where everyone wants to fight everyone else, all the time. Wierd, huh?

    Dwarves are interesting, even if they aren't Lizards.

    Yeah but now I have an official excuse to hate him.. *gleee*

    I'm not stubborn...

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