Templar Knights

So, for the Brettonians, I had been thinking of painting each lance of Knights in the same color scheme, then John pointed me to the Templar Knights. I think would be a very easy color scheme to stick with and would look good on the board.

7 Response to "Templar Knights"

  1. What does a lance of Knights consist of?

    I like the red on white, or the red on cream/brown

    I wonder if it would be possible to roll out some green stuff thing enough to do this...


    Jwolf says:

    Templars would be awesome. A Lance is usually 6 for Bretonians, I think.

    Butt Head says:

    6 Knights constitute a lance. Pidge, in WHFB a unit must be 5 models wide to be able to use it's rank bonuses, but Brettonians only have to be 3 wide. Most lances have 9 Knights in them, 3 wide and 3 deep.

    My thoughts were:
    Grail Knights in Black surcoats with Gold crosses.
    Knights of the Realm in White surcoats with Red crosses.
    Knights Errant in a plain tan/off white with no heraldry to show their rookie status.
    Men at arms in a light blue.
    Bowman in forest green.
    Grail Relique pilgrims in red.

    And actually you can have an incomplete rank of 2 knights that both still fight....like this


    so you still get the 5 knight attacks even with an incomplete rank as per Bret book.


    ETC where obviously K=knight and enemy are to the left.

    Oh and all the rabble should be in drab tans/grays/browns...muted greens if you really want the look of peasant rabble. No real uniformity to the models either...possibly the standard would show something to tie in to the Templar/Hospitaller motif.

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