Some may call this beardy...

I really don't care...

Lizardmen Horde - Done...

Here they are in all their Cold-Blooded awesomeness. If you can see them, notice the size difference between the old school Kroxigars and the new ones...

Templar Knights

So, for the Brettonians, I had been thinking of painting each lance of Knights in the same color scheme, then John pointed me to the Templar Knights. I think would be a very easy color scheme to stick with and would look good on the board.

Black Legion

I have succumb to the ruinous powers of Chaos...

My 12yoa son has taken over my Ultramarine army and I'm still burnt out on my IG. I bought the SW codex, but there seems to be alot of people on that bandwagon. There are no Chaos players in our group (since DP never plays), so I bought the CSM codex and I really like the Black Legion. I think it will be fun to paint and even more fun to play. I like all the units (Except for Noise marines...can't get over the pink...). Here are the lists I had in mind and have start calculating my $ costs at the local 20% off retailer. I probably won't get started on this project until after the holidays, when I have more time...

HQ 1:
Chaos Sorcerer MoT
Bolt or Change
Winds of Chaos

HQ 2:
Demon Prince W/wings MoK

Elite 1: (Lord here)
4 Terminators with 3 combi-meltas, heavy flamer, and CG
1 Term-cham with PF

Troop 1:
9 Zerkers w/ Icon
1 Champ w/ PW

Troop 2:
9 CSMs w/ 2 meltas and CG
1 Champ w/ PF

Troop 3:
9 CSMs w/ 2 meltas and CG
1 Champ w/ PF

Troop 4: (Sorcerer here)
8 Thousand Sons w/ Icon
1 Sorc w/ Wind of Chaos
Rhino EA

Heavy 1:

Heavy 2:
3 Obilitirators


Leaves me with 36pts left over. Beef up the Sorcerer or put marks on one of the regular space marines?

"Death to the worshipers of the False Emperor!" (just trying it out....)

15 minute Stormvermin... Yay Dip!

Okay the dip method is still my favorite method of painting.. I did my best to match the before and after pictures..

By clicking the image you'll see that while its not perfect post dip.. Its certainly good enough for the table top..

Another "Real" List

HQ 185
Canis Wolfborn

Elite 192
Wolf Guard Pack x 4: Terminator Armor x 4, Cyclone Missile Launcher x 2

Troops 225
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

Troops 225
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

Troops 225
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

Troops 225
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino

Fast Attack 345
Thunderwolf Cavalry x 5: Power Weapon, Wolf Claw, Frost Blade, Thunder Hammer, Melta Bomb

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 3, Lascannon x 2

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 3, Lascannon x 2

Model Count 64

Total Points 1962

So here is this list. I feel weird not having a LR, or Dread, or Wolf Scouts in the list, but I think it could work.

The TW Cav are pretty friggin scary. S5, T5, 2 wound models, all but one is decked out with a PW, so they are all individuals when it comes to wound allocation, plus I'm going to stick Canis with them. The nifty thing about TW Cav is that they can assault you anywhere from 19-24 inches.

Behind them comes the 4 rhinos. I'm hoping the TW cav is scary enough to draw fire until the rhinos are in range. The 10 man GH squad with free flamer and free melta is just too good to pass up!

Behind them are the Long Fang Packs with Wolf Guard Escorts. Each unit is throwing 3 ML and 3 LCs at two different targets each turn. Thank you Cyclone Missile Launcher!

Anywho, critiques are welcome. Especially with what to do with the extra 38 points. I was thinking a Lone Wolf, but I just don't think I can deck him out nifty enough. I was considering dropping the Termie armor on the two Wolf Guard that aren't carrying the Cyclone MLs, and that would free up 50 more points.


Yall are in trouble.. The new Skaven are going to be a lot of fun.. for me.. Less so for you guys.. heh

Actually the new book reads like they are moving back to what Skaven used to be (and what they should be).. They are now as much a danger to themselves as they are to others..

All of the new weapon teams have a pretty good chance of going "Foomph!" and taking out a large chunk of models.. yours or mine..

In fact just about everything in the army is written so that friend or foe can be affected by it.. Friendly fire is just a way of life in the Skaven and that is what made them fun previously.. I'm glad they are back to that..

The only rule/model in the whole army I really question is the Hellpit Abomination.. Either I'm missing something entirely or this thing is overpowered.. It really does read like something that got snuck into the book by mistake..

Not only does it not really "fit" with the feel of the army but it's also nutty powerful.. We shall see..

It also doesn't have a model.. Along with most of the other new things in the codex.. The new Doomwheel is very nice and was fun to paint.. (I am still pondering what to paint on the banner so I haven't done it yet.)

Note: Click the images to see the full size version..

It was fairly simple to assemble and there are a ton of bitz that could be used to build some of the other fun things in the army but not everything.. I'm very clearly going to have to get inventive if I want to field some of this stuff.. and I do want to..

It's likely going to be over a month before AB is updated with the latest Skaven codex so in the mean time I'm going to have to use a spreadsheet to create something..

Give me a week or two and I might actually have a playable army.. The real issue at this point is I have to completely repurpose ALL of my old models with the exception of my old style stormvermin and that's going to take time..

On the upside, my slave problem has been completely solved.

Review: Cadian Blood

One thing I tend to forget when considering the Imerial Guard is that when we think of the countless billions that die everyday in the wars of the Imerium; regiments tossed into the meat grinder to take a nameless hill, the barely trained conscript given a lasgun from the fellow in front of him that just took a bolt round to the face, these are the "normal" Guardsmen of the Imerium, and for some reason, I always lumped the Cadians in there with these poor schlocks.

For some reason I had assumed that the Cadians were the lowest common denominator. I mean it isn't like they were Catachans, those guys grew up on a jungle death world! The trap a fell into is that although Cadia isn't technically a death world, the Cadians treat it as if it is.

IG list - No DH, SoB, or SCs..


Company Commander - Bolter/PW
4 x Sniper Rifles (BS4)
(Will sit with Heavy Weapon squads and give orders)

Platoon Commander - Bolter/PW
4 x Plasmaguns
40 man infantry squad with 4 Missile Launchers and 4 Grenade Launchers and Commissar to make them Stubborn
3 x Heavy bolters
6 x Autocannons
3 x Lascannons
(This is the gun line)

Troops 2:
Platoon Commander - Plasma Pistol/PW
Heavy flamer/Flamer/2 Laspistol/CCW
Chimera - HB/Heavy flamer
30 man infantry squad with 3 grenade launchers

Troops 3:
10 man Veteran squad - shotguns and 3 meltas

Troops 4:
10 man Veteran squad - lasguns and 3 grenade launchers

Troops 5:
10 man Veteran squad - lasguns and 3 Plasmaguns

Troops 6:
10 man veteran squad - shotguns, 1 heavy flamer, and 2 meltas

Fast attack:
Vendetta (carrying Troop 6)

Fast attack 2:
5 Rough Riders
(counter assault)

Fast attack 3:


144 models

Inspiration for my Guard

Took the boys to Camp Mabry today to watch a WW2 re-enactment.

Wolf Hoard!

Inspired by Jwolf's post...

HQ 110
Wolf Guard Battle Leader: Saga of the Hunter, Wolf Fang Necklace, Wolf Claw x 2

Elite 235
Wolf Guard Pack x 10: Power Fist, Rhino

Elite 235
Wolf Guard Pack x 10: Power Fist, Rhino

Elite 195
Wolf Scout Pack x 10: Meltagun

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Troops 210
Grey Hunter Pack x 10: Flamer, Meltagun, Power Fist, Rhino

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Heavy Support 140
Long Fang Pack x 6: Missile Launcher x 5

Model Count 95

Total Points 2000

This is totally a mess around list.

In this one, I'd attach the Battle Leader and stick him with the Scouts. WS5, A3 (5 hit on 3+ reroll to wound PW attacks on the charge), W2 with 10 ablative wounds coming in the backfield is gunna scare the poop outta someone.

Plus seeing 40 dudes with 3 attacks on the charge, and 20 more dudes with 4 attacks on the charge is gunna make someone wet themselves.

Oh yeah, and 15 missile launchers that can split fire every turn.

I don't think I'd play this one for anything other than a laugh.

What do you think?

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