Issues with BFG.

So I was wandering around the BoLS site and I keep seeing that ad right up at the top for BFG. Well today I noticed for the first time that they have an online store that is offering 25% off GW prices. So I clicked on the link and wondered around a bit. One of the first things I noticed was a link that said "Darkwynn's Imperial Guard Leafblower" so I checked it out. If you don't know, Darkwynn won the 2009 'Ard Boys and the 2010 Adepticon Gladiator with this list. Its called a leafblower because it is designed to blow your opponent off the board first turn. You can find the actual list for 'Ard Boys here, not sure if it changed for Adepticon.

Anywho, I was at the page with the army sale I thought to myself, "Wow! $750 for an army? That seems like quite a bit!" Then I see that this is supposed to be 25% off retail, and I'm like, "Really!" So I had to be me, and I went to the GW site and plugged in what is listed for the army.

3 x Cadian Command Squads
7 x Chimeras
4 x Cadian Shock Troopers
1 x Cadian Heavy Weapon Squad
3 x Valkyries
2 x Hydras (constructed from 2 x Chimeras and the Aegis Defense Line)
1 x Psyker Battle Squad (constructed from Warhammer Empire Flagellants)

All this for the low low price of $751.50. Now when you go to the GW site and put this stuff in you get a price of $783.00.  Now to be honest, this would be for an unassembled and unpainted army, and there were probably lots of bits used to create the Psyker Battle Squad and the Hydras, but I think when you say, "25% off retail, it outta be 25% off retail."

The kicker for me was, the asterisk at the bottom. "Forgeworld Medusas and Manticores from this list are not included." Now I understand that these are expensive Forgeworld models, and if Jason were ordering them it would take 18 months for them to be delivered, but again, I don't think you should say, "Here is your chance to own the army run by Bell of Lost Soul's Darkwynn that won both the 2009 Warhammer 40k 'Ard Boyz Championship and the 2010 Adepticon Gladiator Championship." Because you are NOT going to buy that army. You are going to buy that army less the $200 Forgeworld models. 

I know that this isn't false advertising because they say that the tanks aren't included, but it really just rubs me the wrong way.

Oh, and the kicker, how come when you go to the Dwarf section of the BFG store, they have 10 of every-f'in-thing, but when I went to the brick and mortar story they had shit. That just pisses me off.  

1 Response to "Issues with BFG."

  1. Butt Head says:

    I am so Done with BFG. I hardly ever go in there anymore. Their whole 20% off GW stuff is crap. You are much better off ordering stuff from Chaos Mail Order.

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