Mother-FFF'in Khorne!!

I am buying John's Warriors of Chaos off of him and will be going for a Khorne list, since everyone believes this will suit my tactics. Heres a list with what I have:

Khorne Lord - WS8/St6/To5/In7/At6/Sv1+
Demonic Mount
Axe of Khorne
Enchanted Shield
Collar of Khorne -Magic Resist (2)
Favor of the Gods

Exalted Hero - WS8/St6/To4/In6/At6/Sv3+
Chaos Runesword

5 Marauder Horseman - Mark of Khorne
Light Armor
Throwing Axes

5 Marauder Horseman - Mark of Khorne
Throwing Spears

12 Warriors of Chaos - Mark of Khorne
Full Command
War Banner

11 Warriors of Chaos - Mark of Khorne (Hero here)
Full Command
Extra Hand weapon
Blasted Standard (+5 ward vs Shooting)

15 Marauders - Mark of Khorne
Full Command
Light Armor

15 Marauders - Mark of Khorne
Full Command
Great Weapons
Light Armor

9 Knights of Chaos - Mark of Khorne (Lord here)
Full Command

1 Chaos Chariot of Khorne

2240 points

The plan is to buy some Chaos Hounds to run in front of the Warriors. I could drop 3 Knights and take 3 units of 5 to use as cannon fodder and keep the Warriors from charging off before I'm ready for them...

4 Response to "Mother-FFF'in Khorne!!"

  1. You are the most ADD mother f'er I've ever met.

    Pick an army already!

    Preferably one with a Slaan so you wont suck :)

    Butt Head says:

    Are you just now figuring that out?

    The Armies have been picked. IG for 40k and WoC for WHFB.

    Dustin has Ultramarines and Lizardmen.

    Not sure what I'm gonna do with the Bretts...

    Out of curiosity, since you're playing Corn for the Corn God, why not mount your Lord on a Jugger instead of a Demonic. Same cost and you get MR1 for free plus Brass Behemoth pretty much guarantees you a 1+ armor save freeing up points to allocate elsewhere. So for only 20 points more, for example, you could take a Juggerlord with the Axe of Khorne, Crown of Everlasting Conquest, and Favor of the Gods, and a mundane shield. Which gives you MR1, a 0+ save and a 4+ regen save.

    Butt Head says:

    Because I don't have a Juggernaut yet. I will evidetually get a Juggernaut, but I am sorta strapped for money (Been saving up for Kelli's Bday).

    And I like the Collar of Khorne. It gives him and the Chaos Knights some much needed magic defense.

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