Did Someone Call for Fire Support?

Finally started my Long Fangs. These guys have been sitting in a foam try for almost 2 years because in the old codex they were almost unusable. They have become a shit-ton cheaper in the new codex. I'm not totally sure if they're worth it, but I figured I'd throw some paint on them.

Again, I've just done the bases, and put the first coat of blue/grey
on them. I think I'll be doing them all in steps.

So there ya go. Two squads of Long Fangs, missile launcher and heavy bolter, have the blue on it. Oh, but did I mention that I have more?

Thats right, I have enough for one squad of teach type of heavy weapons. 4 ML, 4 HB, 4 MM (one is currently painted bone and white, and has an appointment with a tube of simple green), 4 PC, and 4 LC. Seeing as I can take 4 HB and a Pack Leader for like 100 points, I think its fair to say I'll be giving these guys a whirl. I still don't know if they are worth it with no ablative wounds. I know someone will say "stick em in cover and let them go" but you don't always know they are going to have decent cover with good LoS to stick em in. Dunno, but I am looking forward to putting some weird lists together to try things out.

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