Team Calender

The web blog is very cool and I like how easy it is to post pics of our work on it, but we still need a Team Calender to set up battles. Is the little calender in the corner of the blog accessible by all?

6 Response to "Team Calender"

  1. Yes. Just sign in and you can view and post events. I already added the dates for BoLSCon

    Oh I also want to point out that you are the only one who didn't format your name in compound word oxymoron format. Loser. :p

    I believe it's a personal planner...I can't access any of what you guys put in Aug 23 is blank when I access it...

    Butt Head says:

    Yes, I'm a loser, but the calender is only a personal planner, as John said. I can only see the things that I've put in it..

    Ok I stand corrected. In that case we need a new calendar app.

    And you can always change your name by going to your profile so you aren't such a loser.

    Butt Head says:

    It won't help....

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