WHFB 8th FAQ Checker from North West Warriors!
It may boggle the mind to find out that GW is actually putting out FAQs in a timely manner (but really, how long can we expect it to continue?) but they have already updated all of the army books and the main rule book within a very short span of time. Plus many of the army books have already had their new 8th ed. FAQs updated since the initial release.
Some inventive gentleman in England has created a script that scans the GW site for new FAQs and sends out an email to anyone that subscribes to his email list.
Jump on over to the North West Warriors forums to check it out!
Wolf Updates!
Labels: 40k , Hobby , Space Wolves , 1 comments
So with War Games Con over, I can get back to work on my Wolves. My Special weapons guys are pretty much done, they just need the wolf pelts on their shoulder pads and some need back packs.
War Games Con Weekend Wrap Up
Labels: 40k , War Games Con , WHFB , 0 comments
So I took part in War Games Con's first working sessions and I had such a blast I don't even know where to begin!
I didn't play in the "couples" tournament because a) I'm a pussy and b) once I heard that Dave Taylor was doing a number of workshops I had a nerdgasm!
I walked around the hall quite a few times and it was very busy. There was the 40k and WHFB couples tournament a well as Flames of War and Warmachine Tournaments on the first day and then the WHFB and 40k singles tournaments on Saturday and Sunday along with three narrative Appoc battles.